- CHECK OUT TIME : The check out time is 10:00 am. Please contact Reception if you would like to extend your stay. Every effort shall be made to accommodate your request. For late departures we have a luggage store near reception and departure lounge with showers on level 1.
- DVD PLAYERS : DVD players are available for hire at Reception.
- ELECTRIC CURRENT : Electric current is 220 volts. Adaptors are available at Reception.
- HAIR DRYER : If required, please request the hair dryer by calling Reception.
- KEY : Please return your room key to Reception upon check out. There is a Rp 50,000 charge for any lost key.
- MOSQUITOES : We aim to be the most mosquito free resort in Bali. We have an environmentally friendly mosquito reduction program. But if they persist, mosquito repellent can be purchased at the Lobby Shop.
- ROOM SERVICE : We have room delivery which is available from Boardwalk, Warung Damar, Kabar Grill, and Club Havana.
- SAFE DEPOSIT BOX : There is a safe deposit box in every room. The Hotel is not responsible for any valuables lost in the room.
- TAP WATER : The tap water is not potable. It is not suitable for drinking. Please only drink bottle water. We strive to be environmentally friendly and we request you to conserve water where ever possible.
- TEA AND COFFEE MAKER : Tea and Coffee making facilities are available in your room. Always use bottled water to boil as the tap water is not potable.