Tanah Lot Destination in Beraban Village, Kediri District, Tabanan Regency, Bali, will be held Tanah Lot Art and Festival on 7 to 9 July, 2017.
Tanah Lot Art and Food Festival, carried out in an effort to maintain and preserve the arts and culture of Bali, especially in Tabanan regency. And raised the potential of existing art in 23 custom villages in Kediri, District, Which will certainly affect the level of visits Foreign tourists to Tanah Lot as World Class Tourism Destination.
For preparing that event, The Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti meeting with Tanah Lot Management, and all steak holder in The Regent Tabanan office on Tuesday, May 16, 2017.
In the meeting discussed about the potential arts and culture as well as Tabanan typical cuisine. To be used as a superior product in the event of Tanah Lot Art and Food Festival which scheduled regularly every year.
From the three-day event the event was selected 3 Culinary as a menu package that will become a daily menu (special menu today). Namely the first day, Sup Ares as appetizers, Lawar Kuwir as the main food and laklak biu (laklak banana) as dessert menu. The second day lifted the culinary ingredients derived from Pupuk Rebung Tabah which will be processed into soup bamboo sprouts as appetizers, Nasi Lawar Rebung Tabah main food and Jaja Batun Bedil as dessert. And on the third day of the last day is also not less interesting that processed chickens combined with mango fruit, Dadar roll mango as an appetizer, main dish Grill Chicken with mango sauce and fried banana dessert combined with mango.